Priorities & Advocacy
2024 YDST Legislative Priorities
The Youth Development Strategy Table is currently developing its 2024 Legislative Priorities for the upcoming session that starts in January. More details about how you can inform and engage is this process coming soon. Stay tuned!
2023 YDST Legislative Priorities
The Youth Development Strategy Table spent the 2023 legislative session working to advance on a budget strategy to support young people with youth development opportunities.
Senate Bill 5601 and House Bill 1386 both did not move forward due to state budget concerns (as of 2/24/23). While we were disappointed in the outcome – we are not giving up. In order to see anything this session and in a future session, we need stronger advocacy than ever. We will be back in 2024!
Please reach out to David (dbeard@schoolsoutwashington.org) with any questions or concerns. Youth make a better Washington and it’s time for the state share of support to youth development. Let’s do this!

Membership is open to any organization or individual that agrees with the Youth Development Strategy Table operating framework and principles. Please feel out the form below.
Support and participation in causes that improve access to youth development programming and enhance the youth development field, not just causes directly connected to the individual or organizational member’s personal or professional interest.
Active communication of Youth Development Strategy Table priorities to members and affiliates as relevant and appropriate.
Members are responsible for governing their own potential conflicts of interest and deciding when it is or is not appropriate to participate and/or engage in subcommittee work, particularly around legislative advocacy.
All members will be required to affirm their continued membership annually.